Barcode Long Island Team GirLLLS in STEM
Barcode Long Island
Research Topic:
Biodiversity & trade
Taxonomic Group Studied:
Animals: Invertebrate


Using DNA Barcoding to Assess the Biodiversity of Macroinvertebrates in the Peconic River
Olivia Marx, Sophia Rivera, Olivia Pfeffer, Lucille Romaine
Eastport South Manor Junior-Senior High School, Suffolk
Robert Bolen


We are collecting different species that are found in the Peconic Bay Estuary in order to measure biodiversity. We plan to barcode the specimens that we collect including water scorpions, dragonfly nymphs, leeches, and snails and match their barcodes to other species' barcodes that have close DNA barcoding patterns in previous studies. We are also monitoring and assessing the species biodiversity from previous studies. The gene used for DNA Barcoding is CO1 which is found in the mitochondrial genome. We are using this gene because it is commonly found in invertebrate species and will permit us to identify closely related species. Biodiversity is important because it keeps a stable balance within an ecosystem. Pollution is a major issue within the Peconic River. We will measure the amount of nitrates that are present in its water and that affect the water quality. Nitrates decrease the amount of oxygen in the water which makes it harder for the animals to survive which causes a decrease


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