Urban Barcode Project Team Prospect Park Project
Urban Barcode Project
Research Topic:
Biodiversity & trade
Taxonomic Group Studied:


The Use of DNA Barcoding in Determining the Biodiversity of Aquatic Plants in Prospect Plants
Victor Roy, Shahriyar Rahat
Health Professions and Human Services, Queens
Rocheli Apilan


Prospect Park consists of a diverse wildlife consisting of a variety of plants and animals. One ecosystem which plays a major role in the overall environment is the ponds in the park. The ponds in the park consist of several different aquatic plants including algae. The algae in prospect park looks similar to one another so DNA barcoding will be used to identify specifically what type of algae they are. This will also be done for other aquatic plants that look similar. The algae and other organisms need to be identified in order to conserve these plants since they are very essential to the food chain. Identifying the aquatic plants will help us determine exactly how to conserve the plants themselves. If they did not exist then it would ultimately disturb the environment. For example algae produces the most oxygen which is essential to most life without it oxygen levels will be lower. Once the aquatic plants are identified they will be recorded in a data table. They will be analyzed and


DNA Barcoding Poster
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