Urban Barcode Project Team Pioneers of NYC
Urban Barcode Project
Research Topic:
Wildlife & health
Taxonomic Group Studied:


The Difference in Genes of Lichens Growing in Different Levels of Air Pollution in NYC
Mansi Patel, Alisa Chen, Maryann Foley, Zheng Chen
Stuyvesant High School, Manhattan
Jessica Quenzer


Different species of lichens can thrive in environments with varying air quality, average amount of rainfall and sunlight. In order to determine the species of lichen sample, physical characteristics may not always prove reliable, but DNA sequencing may determine the species. After sequencing, the DNA may give clues as to why some may be able to respond better to pollution or acidity in the environments around us-- for example, some lichen are unable to grow again on a tree due to the acidity of the tree. Lichens are also indicators of pollution, so in order to explain why they may indicate pollution and how, we may check for things such as: frequency, speed of growth, how big the lichens tend to grow, and how long they have been around in the area.


DNA Barcoding Poster
View team poster (PDF/PowerPoint)

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